Howard Knoff Series on Discipline and Classroom Management Issues
This is a series of three Edchat Interactives which reconcile provisions of the ESSA with best practices for Discipline, Classroom Management and Behavioral Interventions for Challenging Students. Scroll down to view archived sessions.
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October 6, 7:00 Eastern, School Discipline, Classroom Management, and Student Self-Management: Integrating ESSA’s Positive School Climate, Student Engagement, Bully Prevention, and Disproportionality Components
Under the new Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA), districts and schools need to implement approaches that directly relate to school discipline, classroom management, and student self-management. See archive below:
October 20, 7:00 Eastern, Effective Multi-Tiered Assessment to Intervention Approaches for Students with Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs
The new Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESSA) requires districts and schools to develop multi-tiered systems of services, supports, strategies, and interventions for students who are at-risk, underachieving, unresponsive, and/or unsuccessful. These systems should address students who are presenting social, emotional, or behavioral challenges in their classrooms and school.
This session will discuss both (a) a district/school systematic multi-tiered decision-making process that guides the assessment to intervention process when students are not academically or behaviorally succeeding in the classroom; and (b) a school/classroom data-based functional assessment problem-solving process used to assess specific students so that the underlying reasons for their difficulties can be linked with high success instructional or intervention approaches.
In the latter area, given the advances of the past 20 years, a “21st Century” functional assessment approach will identify the “7 High-Hit Reasons” for students’ challenging behavior will be outlined, and how these high-hit reasons align with specific intervention clusters.
November 9, 7:00 Eastern, Disobedient, Disruptive, Defiant, and Disturbed Students: Behavioral Interventions for Challenging Students
During this session, participants will learn about and discuss:
- A range of social, emotional, or behavioral interventions that schools need to implement to assist students who are behaviorally challenging in their classrooms or common school areas.
- The interdependence of student, teacher, instructional, curriculum, and other “environmental factors” that must be considered when implementing interventions.
- What information and data need to be collected as part of the functional assessment process so that the right interventions are selected for implementation.
- The differences between Tier 2 and Tier 3 interventions when using a continuum that focuses on the intensity of services, supports, strategies, and programs needed by challenging students, and how to integrate comprehensive school-based mental health systems into prevention and strategic intervention processes.
Howard M. Knoff, Ph.D. is the creator and Director of Project ACHIEVE. After 22 years as a university professor and 13 years as the Director of the State Improvement/Personnel Development Grant for the Arkansas Department of Education—Special Education Unit, he has expanded his work as a national consultant, author, and lecturer to full-time status. Dr. Knoff received his Ph.D. degree from Syracuse University in 1980, and has worked as a practitioner, consultant, licensed private psychologist, and university professor since 1978. He has published over 100 articles and book chapters, delivered over 2,500 papers and workshops nationally, and authored or co-authored 18 books—including his recent book: School Discipline, Classroom Management, and Student Self-Management: A Positive Behavioral Support Implementation Guide (Corwin Press, 2012).
Dr. Knoff is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (School Psychology Division), a Nationally Certified School Psychologist, and a Licensed Psychologist in Arkansas. Dr. Knoff also was the 21st President of the National Association of School Psychologists.